First Name: 
Last Name: 
Student ID: 
Chief Complaint
elicit chief complaint
Past Medical History
How do you rate your health in general?
Childhood illnesses?
Adult/current illnesses?
Any past accidents or injuries?
Any surgeries?
Any Hospitalizations? (include pregnancy, when?, how long?)
Current medications (include prescription and nonprescription, why do you take them, dosing schedule, how long, side effects)
Any allergies? (what sort of reaction)
Immunizations up to date?
OB hx: Number of pregnancies and live births? Type of deliveries?
Sexually active, how many partners
Gender of partners?
Any problems with sexual performance (desire, dryness, pain etc)
Any hx of sexually transmitted diseases or any abnormal PAP smear in the past?
Any concern about contracting an STD or becoming pregnant?
Psych hx: Have you ever been diagnosed with a psychiatric illness like depression, anxiety or bipolar? (if yes, follow up)
Have you ever seen a psychologist or counselor, or felt very down or extremely anxious? (if yes, follow up)
Do your see any other doctors?
Do you regularly see a dentist, ophthalmologist, gynecologist?
Are you up to date on mammograms, pap smears, lipid profile, PE?
Social History
Who do you live with?
Is your home in a safe environment?
Who is involved in your life (social support/ family)?
What do you do for a living? Spouse?
Any financial concerns, health insurance?
Any potential environmental exposures or hazards (in home or occupation)?
Safety? (seatbelt, CO detectors, Smoke detectors, guns)
Domestic violence?
Support groups, what do you do for fun?
Describe your daily routine?
Exercise? (How much, how often?)
Sleep? (How much, is it sufficient?)
Any religious beliefs that are important to you/ how do you cope with stress?
How much do you drink? How often and for how long?
Do you/have you ever smoked? How much and for how long?
Do you/ have you ever used recreational drugs? How much, how often and for how long?
Family History
Do any diseases run in your family? (MI, stroke, diabetes, COPD, psychiatric diseases, dementia, cancer, HTN, hyperlipidemia, bone dis.)
Are your parents alive? How old, and if not what did they die of?
Did your parents suffer from any diseases?
Are your siblings alive? How old and do they have any health problems?
Are your children healthy?
Are your grandparents alive? What did they die from?
How old are you?
Elicits Spectrum of Concerns
Negotiates Priorities and Sets Agenda
Eliciting the Narrative Thread or the "Patient's Story"
Transitional Statements
Pacing of Interview
Types of Questions
Lack of Jargon
Verification of Patient Information
Verbal Facilitation Skills
Non-Verbal Facilitation Skills
Empathy and Acknowledging Patient Cues
Support Systems
Encouragement of Questions